Our Story
I'm willing to bet your social media feeds have included at least one gorgeous sourdough loaf, possibly a pan of tempting cinnamon rolls, or myriad other creations by both newly minted "quarantine bakers", and seasoned stress bakers, alike.
BakingForGood.org was born out of the chaos of global pandemic, with focus on the idea of nonprofits helping nonprofits.
Baked goods bring comfort, joy, and in our case,
we use our #flourpower to raise necessary awareness and resources for our communities in need. We go old-school in a new way, by doing virtual bake sales, benefitting hyper-local, socially relevant causes in Austin, Texas.
Thanks for stopping by!
-Andreá Smith
Founder, BakingForGood.org

How It Works
The bakes will be sold to the highest bidder, and delivered in a socially-distant, contact-free way, to the winners! There's also the option to support our cause by making a flat donation, if baked treats aren't your thing.
There's power in flour, y'all. We're baking for our community. We're baking to help make a difference. We're baking for good.
#bakingforgood #flourpower

"There are so many people in need of housing in Austin and that has only grown with the impact of COVID-19. I want to help Foundation Communities in their mission to provide families in Texas with affordable housing however I can."
Crystal Schauf
"I am a resident with Foundation Communities. They have done great things for their residents and community."
Morgan Foster
"I honestly believe everyone deserves a hand up or extra support when they need it. Foundation Communities is the silent force helping in our communities where and when it's needed and most of us don't even know how much they do. If baking a few tasty treats for someone helps us help them, then I'm all in."
Martinique Duchene
"Foundation Communities provides more than just housing to our neighbors facing housing insecurity. It provides a system of support, including childcare, English as a Second Language classes, tax help, and assistance with health care enrollment. Organizations like FC that provide thoughtful, systemic empowerment to those who need it are philanthropic rockstars!"
Kate Meehan
"This pandemic has upended many people's lives and exposed many aspects of our society that need immediate improvement. It's on all of us to do what we can with what we have to take care of one another while we rework the systems that have failed so many."
Jenny Lavery
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